Get Involved

Thank you for your interest in Watertown Youth Coalition! WYC is currently seeking new members who are committed to our mission.

There are many ways to get involved:

  • High Schoolers in Watertown can join the WYC Peer Leaders.
  • Both Individuals and Organizations can become members. Organizations may identify representative(s) to attend WYC events.
  • Volunteer to help out with events and projects.
  • Share your ideas and concerns with us!
  • Donate to support WYC projects and initiatives. (Note: You’ll be redirected to Wayside’s website to donate to WYC.

In order to better meet the needs of Watertown’s racially and ethnically diverse population, people who reflect the diversity of Watertown are especially encouraged to join the Watertown Youth Coalition.”

For more information, or if you have general questions or ideas for the WYC, please contact:

Christina Lupica, Youth Engagement Specialist
Phone: 617-284-2642